Saturday, September 17, 2011


Along with Ferrari, Lamborghini sports car company is famous in Italy. But few know is that car from Lamborghini started making tractors. 
Lamborghini is the name of the person who founded the label "golden calf" - Ferruccio Lamborghini.During World War II, he was the engineer for the Air Force, Italy, in charge of the engine. The war ended, demand for tractors in Italy increased. Seizing the opportunity, Lamborghini was bought surplus military equipment and other improvements into plows and tractors. As a result, the business of the Lamborghini development. He quickly became a wealthy entrepreneur. 
From the 50s of last century, the business of his growing success, to expand production both heating and air conditioning. As a business person but very passionate about cars, he once owned the best sports cars of that era. But the Ferrari supercar Lamborghini can not satisfy. He determined to build a better car. 
Car factory worth billions lia called Automobili Lamborghini SpA was formally established in 1963 in a small village in the Sant 'Agata. Giotto was invited Bizzarrrini Lamborghini engineers has been working for Ferrari, the assistant for you. 
Now in its establishment, the first Lamborghini vehicle has been shipped - the 350GT, debuted at the Turin Motor Show. The 350GT is equipped with 3.5 L V12 engine with four camshafts. And it takes five years later, in 1968, No. 2 Lamborghini new cars are produced, it was the 400GT. However, the reputation of the Lamborghini only really famous all over the world to Miura, the engine in the middle of the first set, was produced from 1966-1973. 

1971 Lamborghini Miura model 
 Although very popular, but Lamborghini's financial brand is dependent on the tractor business. In the early '70s, the tractor business made ​​Lamborghini difficulty forced to sell shares of Automobili Lamborghini SpA to a Swiss capitalists. The oil crisis in 1973 as the financial situation made ​​more dramatic by Lamborghini. 
To remedy the situation, Lamborghini has invested millions of Italians to produce a new vehicle called the Cheetah with style pickup. However, its revenue was not as expected. Late 70's, car manufacturers Lamborghini declared bankruptcy. 
In the 80s, Automobili Lamborghini SpA revive the Countach model. Countach supercar is considered the most impressive sports car in this decade. However, in 1987, due to investment in the movie industry, the owner of Automobili Lamborghini SpA has sold the company to Chrysler. 
This is a glorious time of Lamborghini with admirable supercar: Diablo, the world's fastest car speed 320km / h next to the Countach LP400 (1974), Countach LP500S (1982) .. . Diablo is a replacement vehicle for the famous Countach. Special Special Edition version of this car produced only 150 units worldwide.

Lamborghini Diablo 30se - special edition 
In 1994, Lamborghini once again changed ownership when Chrysler was sold to three investment companies - including, Megatech, the biggest company in the "trilogy", which holds majority shares. 
Diablo in 1997 on the next cars were shipped with the magnificent 6.0L V12 engine with 550 horsepower and acceleration from 0-100km / h is only about 3 seconds. 

Late 90's, Lamborghini faced with the financial downturn. Despite the supercar has its attractions, but the lack of product lines has reduced the speed of globalization plan Lamborghini. 
Take advantage of the situation, Volkswagen has been negotiating with investors to then become the owner of Lamborghini from 1998 to date.
In 2001 marked an end to the series production car instead Diablo and Murcielago. Murcielago first introduced at the IAA Frankfurt Auto Show with a 6.2L V12 engine. 
Currently, there are three Lamborghini's Gallardo product line, and Reveton Mucielago. It seems quite Lamborghini Round fate when life was pretty much over by the employer. Although only a small manufacturer with limited product lines, but a "golden calf" are born to "wobble" love car sex. 
With the success gained, worthy of the brand Lamborghini sports car the world.


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