Father of the Toyota Group is Sakichi Toyoda, a talented carpenter land of cherry blossoms. Sakichi Toyoda is known first and foremost because he is the one who invented the first modern textile machinery to Japan. Not only is human creativity, invention, Sakichi Toyoda also had those qualities in their specific business. In 1891, he has registered the copyright to his loom. And from there, Sakichi Toyoda became boss is specialized in manufacturing textile machinery for sale.
In one to the U.S. to find out information for automatic loom project he is studying, as happened, Sakichi Toyoda notice appeared in the U.S. auto pretty much that Japan can not. Then when the State of information to enter a Japanese car at the Ford 800 is again self-loving peoples of Sakichi Toyoda resurfaced.
After returning home, he shared that thought with his son Kichiro Toyoda. And he has agreed to spend a lot of money to his son set up a research center on the car of his own administration. With determination and diligence are rare, true quality characteristics of the Japanese, father and son both maintain Toyoda Textile Machinery production has quietly prepared for the production line of Japanese cars first. Starting in 1930, one by the production line tires, chassis and engine Toyoda family car was perfect.
In 1936, after taking over the company Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyota has set the name by substituting the letter "d" with the letter "t" in the name Toyoda. The name "Toyota" pronounced as Toyoda unknown, but it is more appropriate for advertising psychology, moreover, the word Toyota is only 8 strokes compared with 10 strokes of Toyoda. Under traditional notions of the Japanese, the number eight brings good luck and symbolizes the growing constantly, while the number 10 is a plump, with no room for growth.
4 / 1937, Toyota officially licensed trade. And since then, Toyota became one of the icons, the pride of every citizen of Japan.
Sakichi Toyoda held a logo contest for a new company with the criteria should be understandable, it is evocative to be a company in the country and to contain the Japanese syllabary. Of the 27,000 samples were sent to the icon, an icon named "Toyota" with a circle around them.
Currently, Toyota's logo consists of three interlocking the eclipse (the third represents the heart) meaning: a show of concern for customers, a symbol for quality and are working to develop science and technology constantly.
War: Toyota pedal for a foothold
After years of World War II cruel, Japan, and crumbling ruins. Fortunately, the Toyota factories in Aichi Prefecture from being crushed bomb. That helped Toyota started the recovery process by producing the first commercial car called Model SA.
In five years, there were 215 units produced Toyopet SA. The SD version for a taxi, probably achieve more success when 194 were built in two years. Form SF Toyopet car is truly popular first Toyota engine with improved and more for the taxi version. RH Form 48-horsepower engine came out shortly after.
In addition to these cars, Toyota also began production of a civilian truck named the Land Cruiser. In 1955, Toyota began production of luxury cars his first, which is the
Starting the process of reaching out to the world of Toyota began in 1958, the company has exported the Land Cruiser and Toyopet to the U.S. market. But profits are not encouraging. In 1959, Toyota opened a factory in Brazil. This is its first plant outside Japan.
Put the most important milestone in the history of the company in the U.S. is the Crown wagon and sedan versions. Then, Toyota exported to the United States many sports cars, midsize and picup line. Even without eye-catching designs with American cars, but the quality and safety has steadily conquered the American consumer, where the car industry's oldest and most developed world.
Thanks to scientific and technological development, along with the trend of using increasingly sophisticated car and fuel economy, Toyota engineers have continuously released the study to "human life" spiritual value most value. Which must include the current vehicle list price as the Toyota Camry, Innova is to storm in Vietnam market. And the latest is the Toyota Crown Hybrid has become important for many other competitors.
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